Dear students, young colleagues and friends,

Dear international guests,


It is a great pleasure and honour for me to invite you at Medical University – Pleven as participants and invited speakers of the XXI International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors under the motto: The new generation: excellence and innovation. The international student forum is a significant part of the festive calendar of our Alma Mater dedicated to the 50th Anniversary from the foundation of the University. This year we are celebrating 50 years of education and science in Pleven! This scientific event has been an emblem of Medical University – Pleven for 21 years as the most successful international student forum in Bulgaria attracting participants from all over world! I am extremely proud to be part of the history of the conference – 21 years ago as a medical student at our University; I was one of the first founding organizers of this significant international student forum. Therefore, I am perfectly aware of how much energy and hard work it takes to organize such kind of event entirely by our students for their colleagues.

Dear guests and colleagues,

There are at least three key factors for a successful scientific forum. The first one is the educational institution – Medical University of Pleven is a pioneer in robotic surgery, telemedicine, telepathology, 3D medicine, bioprinting and 3D printing constantly introducing advanced technologies in education and clinical practice. Although our university is small in size and young in age it is one of the most dynamically developing in the country attracting growing numbers of Bulgarian and international students.

The second and most important factor is the presence of our students. I am proud of these young people who are curious and brave, eager to study and discover; seeking new challenges and adventures; always motivated and committed.

The third key factor is the support – students need the support of their professors in order to stay motivated, devoted and inspired. That is why we, their professors and the international speakers, are here - to teach them, to support them, to show and to guide them along the way of medical science, knowledge and practice. Steve Jobs said: “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”. You are the next generation in medicine, healthcare and research – be dedicated, be curious, be pioneers and leaders!

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Medical University – Pleven for participation in the XXI International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors!


Prof. Dr. Dobromir DIMITROV, MD, PhD




Dear teachers,

Dear colleagues and friends,

Once again, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the XXI International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors (MDSC) with this year’s motto “The New Generation: Excellence and Innovation”.

The twenty-first edition of this inspiring forum of young scientists will take place on
14th October – 18th October 2024 at the University Telecommunication Endoscopic Center (TELEC) of MU-Pleven.
It has been 21 years since one exciting beginning who set the first steps to infinite science and shared experience. These years are full of hard work, challenges and successes.
21 years of memories, new friendships and strong relations that will live through time! 

It has been 50 years since Medical University – Pleven started giving us knowledge and wisdom! It is a fortress of future light in education and research and a path to good realization and modern training that brightens our professional dreams! And that is why we continue working with the same motivation, passion and curiosity which guided the very first Organizing Committee in the year of beginning 2002!

Following our tradition, we will tirelessly focus on bringing you again to the best lectures and workshops that we strongly believe will broaden your competence in the basic fields of medicine and health sciences.

We also put our efforts on organizing the Ninth Autumn School on Innovations in Medicine which has become a hallmark of MU-Pleven during the first conference days. This year, we will focus your attention on three main pillars:  Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacotherapy and Oncology. Furthermore, we will cover a number of other innovative topics throughout the entire duration of the conference.

Like in any other remarkable event, your experience would not be completed without meeting new amazing people at our social programme, including a Welcome party and a trip to one of the many beautiful locations in Bulgaria. Therefore, stay tuned for more information.

We are filled with enthusiasm and are looking forward to meeting you all here in Pleven at the XXI International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors.

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Warmest regards,


Medical University – Pleven

Pleven, Bulgaria