Abstract Guide


Early Registration – 11th August 2024

Late Registration – 8th September 2024



22nd September 2024




  1. Surgery, Orthopedics and Urology
  2. Internal Medicine
  3. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics
  4. Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
  5. PhD Students
  6. Varia - Basic
  7. Varia - Clinical
  8. Posters
  9. Pharmacy


The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit abstracts to be considered for inclusion in the program. Authors are requested to submit their abstracts complying with the guidelines mentioned below.

Every author can present once in one section of the conference however one author can present more than once in different sections of the conference.

Please note that no abstract will be acknowledged if it does not fit the appropriate guidelines asked for the active registration form.

Authors will be notified about the delivery of their abstract by a confirmation e-mail at the e-mail address for correspondence indicated in the registration form.

Abstract will be reviewed by a panel of experts and selected on the basis of merit for oral or poster presentation.

All abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Board.


Notification of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Committee will be mailed to the corresponding author by 22nd September 2024. Please do not email us before the designated date to enquire about the status of your abstract.

The authors of oral presentations will be informed about the date, time and place of their lecture at the registration desk on arrival.

Accepted abstracts, grouped by tracks and topics, will be published in our abstract book which will be distributed at the Conference.

IMPORTANT! All accepted authors MUST confirm their participation by 1st October 2024. Only confirmed presentations will be included in the conference Abstract book!


  • Submitted abstracts must be original.
    Abstracts previously published or presented on an international scientific meeting cannot be submitted and will be rejected immediately.
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
    Oral presentations and posters which will be presented should also be in English.
  • One abstract may have a maximum of 8 authors, including academic mentors.
    PhD students who present their work in the PhD Students Section of the conference can include more authors in their abstracts since they are presenting original results from major researches.
  • An abstract should be sent via the registration form only by the presenting author. One abstract can have ONLY ONE presenting author.
  • Co-authors should indicate only the heading of the abstract in which they are taking part and should NOT send the text of the abstract. Apart from that, co-authors will be considered active participants as well.
  • A certificate for a winning abstract will be given only to the presenting author.
  • Case reports without academic mentors as part of the authors will NOT be accepted.
  • Abstracts must NOT exceed 250 words.
  • Abstract must NOT include graphs, figures, tables, images or multimedia elements.


  • Abstracts should contain text only – tables, graphics and figures cannot be inserted and will not be printed.
  • Use Standard Font – Times New Roman 12pt, Align left, with no formatting.

Title: Use CAPITAL LETTERS for the title.

Name of the author(s): Type the last name(s), followed by the initial of the first name and second name. Do not include degrees or professional titles. Separate the authors’ names with a comma. Affiliations should be indicated with a star * after the authors’ name.

Retype the name of the presenting author on a new paragraph.

Correspondence: Add an e-mail address for correspondence.



Petrov D. P.*, Ivanov А. М.**, Georgieva Т. N.*

Presenting author: Ivanov A. M.

*Department of Cardiology, UMHAT “Dr Georgi Stranski” – Pleven, Bulgaria

**Department of Pharmacology, MU-Pleven, Bulgaria

Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Content: The abstract submission document MUST be structured to include each of the following components on a new paragraph, with no special indentation or bullets and numbering:





KEY WORDS (not more than five)

Do not include references in the body of the abstract.

Please avoid formatting the text using boldfacing, italics and underlining.

Please check spelling and grammar carefully - direct reproduction from your electronically sent abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.

Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations may be used. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full wording at the first time it appears in the body of the text.


  • Case reports should contain text only – tables, graphics and figures cannot be inserted and will not be printed.
  • Use Standard Font – Times New Roman 12pt, Align left, with no formatting.

Title: Use CAPITAL LETTERS for the title.

Name of the author(s): Type the last name(s), followed by the initial of the first name and second name. Do not include degrees or professional titles. Separate the authors’ names with a comma. Affiliations should be indicated with a star * after the authors’ name.

Retype the name of the presenting author on a new paragraph.

Correspondence: Add an e-mail address for correspondence.


The case report submission document MUST be structured to include each of the following components on a new paragraph, with no special indentation or bullets and numbering:




KEY WORDS (no more than five)

Do not include references in the body of the abstract.

Please avoid formatting the text using boldfacing, italics and underlining.

Please check spelling and grammar carefully - direct reproduction from your electronically sent abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.

Do not exceed 250 words.

Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations may be used. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full wording at the first time it appears in the body of the text.